Our Mission : Food, Education, Medicine


At Ray of Joy, our mission is to alleviate the suffering of children facing health challenges by providing direct assistance and support to them and their families. Through collaborative partnerships with hospitals, we ensure access to essential medical treatment, surgeries, medications, and post-treatment care. We are dedicated to fulfilling the dreams of economically disadvantaged families by empowering them to access the best possible healthcare for their children.

Our vision at Ray of Joy is to create a world where every child has the opportunity to receive quality healthcare, regardless of their economic circumstances. We strive to be a beacon of hope for families in need, fostering a community where compassionate support and tangible assistance enable children to overcome health obstacles and thrive. Through our unwavering commitment to ground-level engagement and direct intervention, we aspire to transform the lives of countless children and families,

Our Foundation was registered in 2018 with a view of primarily working in the health sector.

These are a few campaigns that we have done in the past few years Free Ration Vending Machine in Hyderabad, Free Ration Vending Machine in Pune, Sanitary Pads Distribution in Pune, Free Sanitary Pads Vending Machine in Hyderabad and Vizag, Veehi Food Distribution, Veehi Clothes and Food Distribution, Veehi Village Adoption, Ventilator Support, Toilet Renovation Support, Food Distribution at Kolkata Orphanage, Food Distribution at Mumbai, Food Distribution at Pune,Food Distribution at Hydera

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