Our Mission : Food, Education, Medicine

Save 56 percent burn child


Save 56 percent burn child


Save 56 percent burn child

3-5 lakhs will give my son a New Life.

My Precious Son ,Chikatla Siddhik ,is just  age of 8months 6days old, he has been afflicted by SCALD Burns,which have ravaged 56% of his innocent body. The pain he endures is unimaginable,even looking at him causes our hearts to break.

Currently, Chikatla Siddhik is receiving treatment at Rainbow Children's Medicare Pvt.Ltd. in Banjara Hills, Hyderabad.He undergoes painful wound dressings and fights against the relentless grasp of this cruel situation..His condition is critical and he requires multiple skin grafts,daily medical care , IV fluids, antibiotics,he is at present on mechanical ventilator and collagen dressing. As a father (Chikatla Prashant) and mother(Chikatla Ramya),our  only wish is to relieve our son of his pain and ensure he receives the treatment he needs.

Please donate whatever amount you can;every amount will bring Chikatla Siddhik closer to full health.The amount we need is 3-5 Lakhs

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